Options on the Upcoming Exhibits Page
If necessary, non-staff can be given the option to apply for booths, view floorplans, and more. As with other product types this can be done using an online store web page--in this case, the Upcoming Exhibits page.
Like the Upcoming Events page, Upcoming Exhibits displays a list of all upcoming exhibits flagged as "Is Public."
The page displays a number of different buttons, which can be enabled or disabled by staff administrators. This article describes default configurations, but administrators have the option to link to different pages if they wish.
Default buttons under each exhibits include:
More Details: This page displays the Exhibit's long description, as well as a link to Attendee Registration for the Exhibit.
Halls & Floorplans: If multiple halls are created for an exhibit, users can choose the desired hall and view its related floorplan (or booth list, in the case of manually created booths).
Booths List: If multiple halls are created for an exhibit, users can choose the desired hall and view its related booths. (Unline the Halls & Floorplans option, above, Booths List does not display a floorplan, even if one has been uploaded for a hall.)
Exhibitor List: This directory page displays the current exhibitors for an exhibition.
Submit Application: This option links to the application submission wizard, allowing potential exhibitors to apply and pay for a booth. With this option, staff must later assign the appropriate booth to the exhibitor.